
Showing posts from April, 2018

It's a bugs life

Since our return we have had heaps of rain. No big deal I guess we live on a Pacific tropical island. But the bugs that accompany the rain are truly legendary, hence the image to illustrate, and that's just one corner. Now that we are into the swing of a new term planning for the next holidays has begun. We are heading to Honolulu for two weeks. However in the meantime there is lots happening. The much delayed celebration of the schools' 152nd birthday, with the King and Queen of Tonga in attendance is not the least of it is we have the launch of the Form 1 International class (the reason we are here is to teach this class). So a full 'show off' is needed. Luckily I am teaching them Romeo and Juliet, should come across quite well, not a full performance but some recitations. I'm finding that the blog can't represent really what it's like living here. It is truly a crazy mixed up place; like no other in my experience.  Water supply is still a...

After a trip to Sydney back in Tonga

After a busy two weeks in Sydney we are back in Tonga. The school campus is very quiet as the boys and perhaps many of the staff won't be back until Saturday evening. Cows checking out our washing! It was delightful to be home with family, see friends, visit Newington to get some supplies for Tupou College. On return we had a couple of days back here before school restarted. We found some groceries, reorganised things and got stuck into bingeing on various TV shows we had either dvds for or things that had been down loaded onto a usb drive. I’ve included a short video of the house. As it’s rained quite a bit, I’ve not taken many pics. Although the weather has cooled, or the humidity lessened making it quite pleasant. Although we’ve finally managed to get a gas bottle and connect the barbecue the cows still visit and attempt to get up close and very personal, often as close as the back door.   Water supply has been very sporadic, the water cooler doesn’t provide en...